The Bengal Bratachari Society has stories pertaining to success of their hard work and achievements in various walks of life.Some success stories are not what we conventionally believe to be success like achieving medals and prizes but are fruits of hard earned labour and achievements in the truest sense of the term.
The Bengal Bratachari Society provides regular remuneration as a token of recognition to the inheritors and upholders of Raibenshe (martial dance) tradition.
The Bengal Bratachari Society established a museum to preserve the relics of art which had been gifted to them by Sri Gurusaday Dutt in Bratachari Gram .The museum was named after Gurusaday Dutt and Gurusaday Museum is a part of our rich cultural heritage.
Members of the Bengal Bratachari S ociety have several accolodades to their recognition.They have participated and performed with glory in erstwhile Soviet Union (Russia).