বাংলার ব্রতচারী সমিতি

About Bratachari

The concept of Bratachari brings to mind the name of its founder Sri Gurusaday Dutt who initiated this movement to teach the basic principles of life and discipline through songs, dances,rhythm and music.The term “ Brata “ means vows and “Chari” refers to followers of the vows. The Bratachari movement aims to pursue the ideals of Knowledge,Labour, Truth, Unity and Joy in an integrated manner so that the perspective of life attained is a holistic one. Gurusaday Dutt wanted to revive the folk dances and arts which were dying out for lack of interest and wrong sense of values.The movement is intended to inspire the spirit of nationalistic zeal in the minds of the young generation.Thus, this movement , founded and fostered by Sri Dutt emphasizes on community work and dignity of labour to improve the quality of life and contribute in national progress.